FRI. , DEC. 6TH -- Join the St. Isaac Jogues parish community along with the priests, brothers, and sisters of Pro Ecclesia Sancta for an evening of prayer and fellowship!
7-8:00PM - holy hour in candle-lit ambiance, light praise music, confession available (all ages)
8:00PM - Cor ad Cor Young Adult group DIY Wreath-Making Workshop ( must pre-register for planning adequate supplies) fellowship, snacks & drinks to follow in the parish hall
SAT. , DEC. 7TH -- Join The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist and the SIJ Women's Club for a day of reflection to more fully enter into the Advent season.
COST: $25
⏰ Schedule:
8:10 AM - Holy Mass
Breakfast + Refreshments
Talks + Reflections
Holy Hour of Adoration
Activity + Prayer Time
3:00 PM - End; Optional Confessions Available
SUN. , DEC. 8TH -- Join our SIJ family for fun, fellowship, and a delicious breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausages, and drinks, courtesy of our Athletics Booster Club! Breakfast will follow after the Sunday 9:30am Mass in the Parish Hall. Pay ahead of time here, or pay with cash/check at the door! Pre-registered names will be checked at the door.
COST: $10 (11 & up)